Sunday, February 13, 2011


Three things I learned....
        3. This time period in our country was a very productive one. A lot of inventions were created and even some of them we still use today.
        2. The conditions back in those days were horrible. People had to live in dirty homes and the streets were unsanitary. The working enviornment was also really bad and unhealthy.
        1. I never realized that a lot of children worked during that time. I knew that some did but it seemed like every child had a job to do and it was really important that they had one because their families needed all the help they could get.

Two things I found interesting....
         2. The modernization during this revolution was really rapid. It seemed like every year there was something new to make life easier and make life more convenient.
         1. How Industrialization spread from overseas to here. It wasn't as rapid as all the inventions that were being made but it still happened quickly, all because people from overseas wanted to better themselves and come over here.

The one question I still have is....
        1. I wonder what the world would be like today if the Industrial Revolution would have never happened?


The -ism i chose was socailism. It deffinately is still around because of all the government run aids we have like welfare. It's like people helping people. Everyone from the working class has to pay out a little of their pay check to help the people on welfare. It basicaly makes everything fair and everyone has the same amount of money or product. It exsists all over the world in a lot of forms.

Abolition of Slavery

William Wilberforce, a religous man who was a member of Parliament, led the fight for abolition. Parliament ended up passing a bill in 1807 that ended slave trade in the British West Indies. Wilberforce retired from Parkiament in 1825, but continued with his fight to free slaves. Finally in 1833 Britain abolished slavery. The United States followed soon after abolishing slavery in 1865 when the Union won the Civil War.
I agree with the reform and I'm glad it happened. People shouldn't be enslaved and treated the way those people were. It's inhumane and unjust. It changed the world for the better and started a snowball effect for African-Americans to really fight and thats how they got from where they were this long ago to where they are today. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Modern Invention: Cell Phones

Cell phones are one thing that have deffinately changed the world. It enabled us to talk to anyone anywhere in the world. The first cell phone that was invented came out in 1973 and was invented by a man named Martin Cooper. It was sold in Japan first and cost $3,500 so it didn't go over very well. Nokia was the first company to make a phone that had wireless internet on it. As the years went on phones got smaller but could more and today we can text, get on the internet, use gps, and still make calls all on one phone!

Invention number 3: The cotton gin

Another invention of that time was the cotton gin. Eli Whitney invented it in 1793. Before it was invented people had to pick the cotton by hand which was time consuming and hard work but the cotton gin sped the process up and could gather more cotton at one time then being picked by hand. They could produce more cotton and send it out quicker.

Invention number 2: The telephone

Another invention of this time was the telelphone. This is another invention that changed the way the world worked forever and it's something we still use today. It was invented in 1879 by Alexander Graham Bell and his assistant Thomas Watson. Bell invented it by accident when he was trying to invent something that would send two telegrams at the same time. The telephone allowed people to communicate over long distances in a quicker amount of time then sending letters or anyother way of communication.

Invention number 1: The Light bulb

The electric light bulb was one of the inventions that came out around druing this time period. It was invented by Thomas Edison in 1879.  This changed America forever and for the better. It made life conveint for everyone. Stores could stay open later, people could accomplish more now that they could see during the night. It was wonderful invention that still helps us today. The world might be a really dark place if Edison wouldn't haven't invented it.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


This chapter is about the Industrial Revolution and all the changes it made for the world during that time. It covers how the U.S and Europe became more modernized and all the inventions that came about during this time period. It also covers what life was like for the working class and how the middle class was established. Child labor is another subjrct thats covered in this chapter along with the reforms that occured at that time.
I hope to learn more about how our country has changed over time and the people that helped make our country what it is today. I think that I'll learn a lot by doing this blog because it's a new and interesting way of lerning our material. It's also more eco friendly and I really like that.